As we continue through our 30th year, we would like to offer our patients a little “de-flation”. What’s that? A significant reduction in our Value Packages and Digital (state-of-the-art) Progressive Addition Lenses or PALs for those who need reading glasses. We can’t lower the cost of gasoline but we can provide quality glasses that don’t flatten your wallet.

1. Single Vision Value Packages start at $69.99* for frames and lenses and $99.99* with AR coated lenses to reduce glare and eye fatigue.

2. PALs start at $249.99*; frame and lenses with AR coating and UV protection.

* See office for details and more offers.

Even though viral cases are down, we will maintain our mask policy. Your safety continues to be our priority. Inorder to safeguard the health of our patients and employees, Aberle Eye Care will continue to adhere to the following protocols:

  1. All patients should check their temperature before their appointment; if you temperature is above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit, we ask that you reschedule and contact your primary care physician.
  2. Patients will be scheduled at intervals and each exam room will be designated to you alone and this room will be disinfected prior to the next patient’s arrival.
  3. We recommend wearing a mask when in the office. Upon arrival, you may disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer at our front desk.
  4. For contact lenses or prescription refills, please call the office (585-394-0696) and we will coordinate orders to minimize your need to come into the office. All annual supplies will be shipped to you if you wish at NO charge.
  5. As always, for ocular emergencies, please call Dr. Harvey at 585-472-5265.

Thank you,

The Aberle Team

Save on UV Ray Sunglasses!

Protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays with polarized sunglasses and save on in-stock models. Our extensive selection includes designs from Maui Jim, Oakley, Ray~Ban, Revo and Wiley X.